Post lab self evaluation


  1. Following all the steps given here requires availability of the compiler + interpreter of a chosen programming language.
  2. You are using Ubuntu 16.04 Operating System.

Self Evaluation
The steps for self-evaluation are as follows.

  1. Clone the code base.
    For the same of illustration, let us assume that your username is 2012A7PS001G and you are interested in self-evaluation for "lab1". shell $git clone $git clone 2017A7PS001G

  2. Copy your code to student_solution. shell $mkdir lab1/student_solution $cp 2017A7PS001G/* lab1/student_solution/

  3. Evaluate yourself.
    shell $bash language-key The languages and their keys are:
    C - c, C++ 2011 - cpp, C++ 2014 - cpp14, Java - java, Python2 - python2, Python3 - python3

  4. The output shall be saved in results/ directory. The results/scores.txt will contain the scores for that submission and results/logs.txt will contain the errors encountered during the compilation.